When you are diagnosed with high blood pressure it is quite normal to feel helpless. Unlike other medical conditions you cannot keep a close eye on your blood pressure. To determine if there is an improvement in your high blood pressure you need a visit to the doctor’s office.
It can be depressing not knowing where you stand. Sometimes it might feel like the effort you are putting into bringing down your blood pressure is not worth. Using a blood pressure monitor is a good way to feel like you are in control. It can also help your doctor to monitor your situation better.
Blood Pressure Monitor And Complementing Medication
A simple wrist blood pressure monitor is a great way to help your doctor adjust your medications. While measuring your blood pressure at every doctor’s checkup will give you a good idea of how well your medication is working, it won’t give you the whole picture.
Using a blood pressure monitor at home will tell you your blood pressure levels at different times of the day. Taking note of this will help your doctor to determine just how well your blood pressure medicine is working.
Storing The Blood Pressure Monitor
Storing the blood pressure monitor correctly is just as important as using it regularly to keep track of your blood pressure. An improperly stored blood pressure monitor will not read accurately. Make sure that the blood pressure monitor that you buy is in good working order. Take the blood pressure monitor you buy to your doctor and have it checked for accuracy.
You should also ask your doctor how to get an accurate reading from the blood pressure monitor your buy. Keep the monitor away from heat and make sure that the tubing is not twisted while not in use. You should keep checking the tubing for any leaks or cracks; this will affect the accuracy of your blood pressure monitor.
Before taking your blood pressure you should go to the bathroom. You should also avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco for a half hour before doing a reading. Rest for about five minutes before taking your blood pressure, you should not talk before taking your blood pressure.
Sit comfortably while taking the reading, your legs and ankles should not be crossed, and your back should be supported. Talk to your doctor about when you should use your blood pressure monitor and how many times a day you should do a reading.