Know The Causes Of High Diastolic Blood Pressure And Defeat Hypertension

There are a few reasons why a person will suffer from high diastolic blood pressure and in fact a few factors too will influence this condition and so need to be understood in order to affect necessary changes. Among possible causes of high diastolic blood pressure, genetics is often touted as being a major reason and in fact anyone can inherit the problem through their genes though it is not such a major cause – mercifully.

Wrong Foods And Excess Body Weight Can Causes Of High Diastolic Blood Pressure

Another possible cause of high diastolic blood pressure is that a person eats the wrong kinds of foods and will also have more pounds of flab on their bodies than is good for them. Obesity is certainly considered one of the main causes of high diastolic blood pressure and in fact, as high as two thirds of all people with high diastolic blood pressure are obese and the problem is particularly relevant to people living in the more developed nations of the world.

Sensitivity to sodium is considered as another possible cause of high diastolic blood pressure because presence of sodium leads to releasing water into the blood which in turn makes the blood pressure rise since the blood will become heavier as well as thicker.

Approximately thirty percent of instances of high diastolic blood pressure are related to the genetic makeup of the patient. Therefore, genetics too are included in possible causes of high diastolic blood pressure though the condition can be treated through making changes to lifestyles as well as eating the proper foods.

There are certain kinds of medications too that when taken can be considered as other possible causes of high diastolic blood pressure and typically medications that are used to enhance hormones or which are anti-inflammatory are certainly not good for your diastolic blood pressure.

Knows the different causes of high diastolic blood pressure can help you plan for better management of your blood pressure condition. The good news is that high diastolic blood pressure is reversible as well as preventable and it is only necessary that you try different options till something works right for you.

A person that has blood pressure high systolic and low diastolic will be much likelier to develop cardiovascular ailments than those who do not have such blood pressure readings. This means that if you diastolic pressure reading is low (below 70 mm Hg) and at the same time your systolic pressure is high; then you will be prone to suffer from heart attacks and strokes.