If your blood pressure is high enough to be consider in the stage one or stage two level, you will need to work with your physician to lower high blood pressure. Not all drugs in the same amount work for all people and continual monitoring may be necessary to work out a specific regimen that works for you.
When the heart pumps, it surges blood through the arteries and veins. Blood pressure during the time the heart is pumping is called systolic. The time just before the heart pumps again is called diastolic. The first number in your blood pressure reading is when there is the most pressure on your blood vessels. The second or bottom number is the pressure the vessels feel when your heart is not pumping.
Normal blood pressure for the majority of people is considered to be 120 over 80. A pressure reading of 121 to 139 over 81 to 89 is considered pre-hypertension, and may or may not require medication. With this lower high blood pressure medical requirements will be the decision of your physician based on a number of variables.
Extreme Pressure Needs Extreme Care
When a person’s blood pressure reaches what is considered stage one, that is a reading of 140 to 159 over 90 to 99. Stage two is a concern, as it is anything measuring over 160 over 100. If you are experiencing stage one or two hypertension a physician will work with you to lower high blood pressure.
There are some lifestyle changes you may need to make to lower high blood pressure including following a healthy eating diet. Additionally, reducing salt and sodium in your diet can help lower high blood pressure. Being active is also better as it promotes a healthier and stronger heart, as well as blood vessels and will also help you maintain a healthy weight.
Nicotine is known to constrict blood vessels and that forces the heart to pump harder to move the blood through the vessels. Eliminating nicotine helps a lower high blood pressure along with a limit of caffeine. While some researchers claim the caffeine only causes a short-term increase in blood pressure, most physicians agree that a lower high blood pressure can be achieved by reducing or eliminating caffeine.
If your blood pressure is consistently high and medication therapy does not seem to lower high blood pressure, your doctor may seek other tests to determine specific causes for your high blood pressure.