The Sacred Heart Diet Plan – What You Need To Know

The Sacred Heart Diet plan consists a list of tasks that you need to do during the 7-day diet period.

This diet was believed to be developed by the cardiologists in the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital in order to help their obese patients lose weight immediately. Whether it’s true or just a theory, the Sacred Heart Diet Plan can possibly kick-start your long-term diet plan.

The Sacred Heart Diet Plan is said to allow dieters to lose 10 to 17 pounds in immediately. It is possible to lose weight due to the ingredients used in the diet soup and the addition of regular intake of water and healthy beverages. Some dieters believe that it’s mostly body water that you’ll use, but others believe that this diet plan works pretty well in getting rid of their extra weight.

The following are the essential factors to help you succeed using the Sacred Heart Diet Plan:

The Diet Soup

The main ingredients are – 2 large canned tomatoes, green onions, beef bouillon to flavor, a bunch of celery chopped, 2 cans of beans, 2 lbs carrots, chopped mushrooms, vegetable juice, 1 bell pepper, and ½-¼ head of cabbage shredded. You can make it flavorful by adding salt, pepper and other seasonings. Cut the vegetables in small pieces before putting them in a pot. Cover the veggies with water, add seasoning and let them boil. Simmer the veggies in low heat and cook until tender.

The Sacred Heart Diet plan

Day 1 – eat any fruit except for bananas

Day 2 – any vegetables you love eating

Day 3 – as much soup as you want; eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

Day 4 – eat up to 6 bananas and drink as much skim milk as you want

Day 5 – 10-20 ounces of beef, 1 can of tomatoes, 5-8 glasses of water

Day 6 – eat as much vegetables and beef that you wish

Day 7 – unsweetened fruit juices, brown rice and fresh vegetables; eat at least 1 bowl of soup; avoid bread, alcoholic, carbonated and caffeinated beverages

The burning question is should you excercise? Absolutely!

If you want to maintain a healthy weight and food intake, you’ll go forward and follow a certain diet or plan a good one for every week. Going to the gym is also necessary to help you burn the unwanted fats and to keep you strong and healthy overall.